Thursday, 2 May 2019

What Of The Eternally Young?

Youth isn't wasted on the young,
They are the only ones who can cope with the heartbreak of it all.
Adults are the
expressionless wreckage after childhood's wake,
Smug and snug in their deep yearns,
arch surrender permitting their amelioration.
Any vestige of the child left,
becomes a detached valediction, an excuse and a reason.
At childhood's end,
We create new benchmarks using then losing youth.

And we tell the young
To love being young, to love for the love of it,
To do it, do it,
be proud of it, don't deprecate the doing of it,
Let fly the looseness, the loucheness,
be indiscreetly joyous of it,
celebrate the being,
and the moving,
and the unsedentariness,
with tender furiousness.

But youth and age get levelled,
And both can die of broken hearts, of worn aortas or loss,
And the eternally young
Leave the old to cope with the heartbreak of it all.