Tuesday, 10 November 2015

I love the NHS

I may be having elective surgery next year. These are the tests I had today, free in the NHS, in preparation. 

Full Blood Picture 
Liver Function Test
Cholesterol level
Urea and electrolytes 
Coagulation screen
Testing for Hepatitis A, B and C, HIV and syphilis 
Body weight and blood pressure
Cannula insertion into my arm
Ultrasound of kidneys and bladder
DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) injection 
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) injection
Electrocardiography (ECG) test
Chest X-ray 
Blood set
DMSA scan
Next blood set
Urine test
MRSA swabs
Next blood set
X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) scan
One to one with medical consultant including physical exam.

The NHS is an internationally admired system and rightly so. I received all these (very expensive but necessary) tests for free to help me and the staff decide if the process of surgery can continue. If, as a result, I needed medication or other treatment I know this would also be free and immediate. 
The NHS is such a beautifully simple example of humanist and socialist principles at their best- national taxation funds almost everything in a system agreeably appreciated by every resident of the U.K. at some time in their lives and is an evidence-based lifeline kept operating by over one million employees around half of which have a clinical training and, though they earn half their worth, remain working due to their ethical beliefs and moral principles. That the sense of cooperative and colaberative ownership is pervading when working in, and using, the NHS most people have called it "my NHS". And it is mine. I fund it, I own part of it, I use it, I can easily work in it. And this is also for the good of every person visiting and living in the U.K. 
My hope is that the fundamental integrity and codes of practice of the NHS could be translated to international relations -connections based on universal assistance, evidence-based practice, equality and so on- so humans can be brought together in their shared community for the good of all. Just a dream maybe but we all need to dream. 

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